a name for a very intellectual person who is good @ public speaking, and very giving
Person 1: I aced that test foh shooohh.

Person 2: oh man, obviously, you're such a Babul.
by quinoaforlunch October 22, 2016
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a name for a very intellectual person who is good @ public speaking, and very giving
Person 1: I aced that test foh shooohh.

Person 2: oh man, obviously, you're such a Babul.
by quinoaforlunch October 22, 2016
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a name for a very intellectual person who is good @ public speaking, and very giving
Person 1: I aced that test foh shooohh.

Person 2: oh man, obviously, you're such a Babul.
by quinoaforlunch October 22, 2016
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An Asian guy with massive cheeks, who is often late.
Sorry, didn't realise the time, I did a Babul
by GoHaveA.... May 4, 2011
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1. Description of something or someone that is elaborately decorated, but the purpose is for nothing more than to look gaudy, cheap, or slutty.

2. An insulting compliment to a promiscuous or ambiguous person on their style of dress or attitude.

3. Anything reminscent of Babylon or the Tower or Babel.
Ex1. Michelle thinks her babulent tastes reflect Lady Gaga. Nothing is further from the truth!

Ex2. Terry just completed his fall wardrobe at Abercrombie & Fitch. He will look absolutely babulent scoring a senior level position this year.

Ex3. My professor just gave us our midterm project; it was nothing less than babulent.
by Aijalon August 7, 2010
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A babulator is a water bong, also referred to as a "bubbler".
Yo bro i was rippin' the babulator real hard last night, i got really high.
by jam-masta-j February 2, 2010
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An Asian guy with massive cheeks, is very kind but is usually late to things. He’ll say he’ll show up in 15 minutes and will show up in 1 hour. He is humorous like a comedian and loves rap music . On social media he follows very little people. He loves sports, such as basketball and only post pictures of himself on social media. He also has a very low patience level. Babul makes a good teacher.
Yo look at that dudes Instagram , he is TOTALLY a babul!
by Name your fame! April 20, 2018
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