If you don't get in bed the "Babadook" is going to get you!
by hebriticus May 27, 2015
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I want to tap that babadook of yours, its so nice and firm.
by kryo1000 December 10, 2014
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A gay icon. Champion of the LGBT community.
This year, get ready to be Babashook, when the Babadook joins us at pride.
by *burps*mmmorty June 17, 2017
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When a female fists a man unexpectedly... And he likes it.
"Tim, why are you walking around like you rode a horse? " "Aw man, Rebecca babadooked me last night... But I liked it..."
by ElbowDeep617 January 2, 2015
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She's got a pretty awesome babadook, I'd bukkake all over it.
by Kariebear December 10, 2014
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A babadook is a crazy ass granny. This Granny goes nuts for nuts. Aka male balls. Aka a horny ass granny.
by Sergio's lovers March 10, 2021
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" Yo that Babadook needs to shut it im tryna watch a movie"
by Boomslng July 4, 2017
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