The age at which everyone tells you you're an "adult", but still think it's not only illegal, but morally wrong, for a child like you to drink alcohol.
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A threesome of two felames and one male

The “1” symbolizes a dick, and the “8” symbolizes 2 women’s coochies...
Get out and go have 18 mate!”
by WassupMate March 20, 2018
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Legal age for drinking in the UK.
Woohoo! I'm 18! Now I can throw my fake ID away and get wasted even more!
by X-treem August 28, 2003
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I turned 18 and life still sucks, except I have more responsibilities.
by jen August 18, 2004
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The age man’s life officially die slowly but surely.
*Interviewer: Pls let me know what keeps you happy?!!!
*Interviewee: Well, It is great to meet chicks who are as good as gold. To some extent, I highly appreciate my spouses' heart of gold because they have been living with me for years and bore me 13 sons and girls so far. As a result, I’ve been working very hard to support them all since I was 18 and however, they always play a key role in encouraging me to overcome such difficulties. Their care is a main source of my pride. this is worth my spouses' gold for me.
*Interviewer: Keep your fingers crossed for dat, sir!
by quan cao tien August 6, 2010
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Face it, you're a child until you're 21.
by Almost 21 February 4, 2004
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A song written by Alice Cooper about the legal age of adulthood in the United States.
by Danbridge September 25, 2007
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