Told to someone being a moron on an IRC channel .. term meaing: join channel get the fuck out

Usually told to someone after they were told off. Or in a ban message after being ejected from a channel
ur a fucking lamer #gtfo newb
by Colin October 21, 2003
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An internet acronym short for "get the fuck out".

It is used to express indignation, usually towards stupidity, incompetence, or both.

It can be used in response to something that is unwelcome.
That guy was annoying and didn't know what he was talking about so I told him to GTFO.
by TB June 17, 2004
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An easy to use acronymn when dealing with moronic incompetents in the online world.

Use when not particularly interrested in thinking up a some new glib whitticism.
00:21:17 <jhboy> I like to wank little boys.
00:21:23 * jhboy was kicked by JoeDaddy (GTFO)
by Joe Daddy February 9, 2004
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