A phrase you can text to people that put their urban dictionary name in their instagram story and get a sense of accomplishment from stangers typing dumb shit into an open online dictionary.
just please shut the fuck up for the love of god make it stop there are people yelling my name from inside the walls
by Der Darmwanderer.ch November 24, 2021
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This word means to shut the fuck up and stop talking when I say so or I’ll beat you ass but like I was saying just shut the fuck up
by COOOOLLLLKIIID December 5, 2020
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Something that Charactersamhatepage says they know but she doesn't
Charactersamhatepage: Hey Korpsy, do you know what lips means?

Korpsy: Shut the fuck up

Charactersamhatepage: You see lips means-

Korpsy: you see Shut the fuck up means to be quiet

Charactersamhatepage: I know

Korpsy: lord, why do I have to explain this to you so many time SHUT THE FUCK UP. MEANS. BE. QUIET
by Korpsy_ July 21, 2021
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Charactersamhatepage:Do you know what lips means?

Korpsy:shut the fuck up

Charactersamhatepage: You see, lips are-

Korpsy: You see, shut the fuck up means to shut the fuck up and die and a little bit more of BE QUIET
by Korpsy_ July 22, 2021
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