the instant urge to flex your gf/bf on any social media
bro i “wish someone cared” it’s actually killing me i just wanna do it
by Dont make me nut November 21, 2021
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Toilet paper tossed over a stall wall in a public restroom.
Damn I had to ask for a toilet care package in a bar last night, it was awkward as fuck!
by killman64 September 9, 2016
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Usually used as a reference to a bad housing decision, resulting from a lack of intellectual reasoning
Michael made a horrible decision, he sold his beautiful apartment for a run down area at St Romeo Hospice and Palliative Care Centre
by Durant69 September 2, 2019
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When a student who is away from home sends a care package to their mother/father/family instead of the original method of the mother/father/family sending one to them. It is usually full of goodies and/or souvenirs letting your family know that you are in fact fine and dandy whilst being away.
Andrea: I just sent my mom a reverse care package.
Mark: What was in it?
Andrea: Some candy, keychains, and a photo of me in my new apartment.
Mark: Nice. Moms love that crap!
by california.halifornia May 21, 2011
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You should be acting in accordance with my propositional ethic regardless of what you (it's funny I actually typed "I" instead of "you" initially because I still mix up pronouns from time to time) believe! That's what I do! Act out propositions that I don't actually believe! And I don't even do that! I do whatever I feel like doing and then try to get people to accept propositions (without thinking) I don't actually believe!

Hym "I do. And I guess my fans. Which is why I don't like when this is trivialized. It's an insult to my fans that I cannot abide! I mean, look at you. Reading this. I'm not making you do this anymore. You clearly came here (where this is I don't even know how you're seeing this) to see what I had to say today. You might think it's brilliant and put it in your tv show and/or movie. You might ad lib it on set and send chills down the spine of your co-worker. You might use it to recruit interns. Either way, thanks for... reading? Does this count as watching? Viewing? I don't know. I'm getting off topic. How cares what I believe? Me. How are these beliefs working for me? They're not stopping me from doing anything. YOUR beliefs (on the other hand) ARE doing that..."
by Hym Iam March 18, 2023
The act of slicing open your stomach, similar to seppuku, and letting your organs fall out to intimidate others. Old term that originated from the Care Bears show, that was given an adult spin.
The suspect escaped after giving the officers the Care Bear Stare.
by MMathGeek November 1, 2022
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This activity can be used by males and females alike. Originating from the originally Cate Bear cartoon we watched as children where the bear immobilizes or defeats negativity with rainbows that shoot from their tummies.

To use this in human form. It is characterized by planting both feet firm on the ground and staring down your victim or prey until they are too creeped out or call the police for help. the purpose is to assert dominance but often achieves the look of crazy, possibility being arrested or causing laughter.
Tony Care Bear Stared a cute girl at the grocery store and got slapped.
by alotachewy July 10, 2017
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