A Jamaican car, that sometimes is packed with rasta's
1. Tim : Hey Rach! Jump aboard the rasta rocket
2. Rach: Sure!!!
by S Priest April 24, 2007
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A party where many people gather to smoke out of all different kinds of glass smoking apparatus, smoke joints and blunts, and eat different kinds of laced munchie foods in stations; about 10-15 g's devoted to each station. After all of the sticky icky is smoked, all guests then proceed to indulge in Italian food.
We had a rasta pasta last week when your were out of town. Sorry brah.
by MiChAeL SaErGe September 16, 2010
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An unfortunate occurence that afflicts both men and women. Due to poor hygiene and grooming habits, ones pubic hairs will actually become, matted, knotted, and tangled - forming dreadlocks.
Guy 1: You still dating whats her name?
Guy 2: No man, I got her pants off and she had rasta crotch.
Guy 1: That stinks.
Guy 2: You're not joking about that.
by My Other ride is your mom April 5, 2006
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A practice in which one smokes a joint without the aid of his hands, it is usually done in a three toke cycle at party's or outdoor events such as raves or festivals. This is a skilled move to pull off correctly but can impress large groups of people with the same stature.
1 "anyone up for a Handycap rasta??"
2 "yo, lets get a four way on this H Ras!"
3 "Dude, i can see why they call it the handycap ratsa!"
by Trout farmer August 3, 2009
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a fake ass, ganja smokin, unwashed, Bob Marley listenin to cracker ass cracker who thinks he's "connecting" with the black man by PRETENDING to fight for equality
Go smoke some hippie lettuce, ya stupid ass white rasta. Funckin dumb ass honky.
by Pissed Off Paul March 5, 2004
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A white person who thinks they are rastafarian. White people cannot be rastafarian because the whole movement is about black empowerment and fighting white oppression. Even if they believe that haile Selassie was the rebirth of christ, this does not make them rastafarian, because they do not actively fight white oppression
"White rastas are just white guys who want to smoke weed and listen to reggae"
by Banana1c3 September 14, 2019
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