That guy from Plants v.s Zombies 2 that has a fast recharge. He's hot.
Wow I didn't know Primal wall-nut can survive Gargantaur smashes!
by Primative Nutz September 30, 2020
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After Sex, a man starts to channel his inner primal instincts and begins acting like a wild primate. This usually results in the man going out and having sex with as many women as he sees and beating up anyone he sees as competition. The man is not in control when in this state, thus why it is a disorder. This disease proves there is a link between humans and apes.
Phil: Poor Josh... he beat up a guy to the point of death and fucked dozens of chicks while screaming like an ape!

Peter: He doesn’t have what I think he has, right?
Phil: Yes... He has the Primal Fuck Disorder or PFD for short
by Derkadurr February 9, 2019
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When engaging in intercourse in the missionary position, the male leans down and makes an angry face and screams in the female's face.
"Oh my god man, it was nuts. We were goin' at it serious, like face to face, ya know? And I let out the primal outburst right in her face!"
"Holy shit! What'd she do?!"
"It was nuts- She fuckin' starts crying and shit.."
by d.blaze February 25, 2003
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When eight or more black men hung like horse's with testicles as large as potato's(Also known as Them) capture, strip, violate, rape, then mutilate the body of a Female girl from ages 15 to 85 by beating them to death with there freakishly long horse penis' while they die of internal hemoraging. Then they proceed to empty the semen from there ball bags onto the once living corpse and burn the milky gooey body as they dance and praise the horse penis gods.
Wow that girl was once living until "THEM" decided her time to be ritualized had come. She was Sacrifice to the Primal Gods.
by MRagnorts June 11, 2009
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After Sex, a man starts to channel his inner primal instincts and begins acting like a wild primate. This usually results in the man going out and having sex with as many women as he sees and beating up anyone he sees as competition. The man is not in control when in this state, thus why it is a disorder. This disease proves there is a link between humans and apes.
Phil: Poor Josh... he beat up a guy to the point of death and fucked dozens of chicks while screaming like an ape!

Peter: He doesn’t have what I think he has, right?
Phil: Yes... He has the Primal Fuck Disorder or PFD for short
by Derkadurr February 9, 2019
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1) The frictions caused by social obligations and gender roles conflicting with our natural or primal instincts that can increase or decrease relevant to the amount of adrenaline our bodies produce in response to the trauma of being forced to live this life not according to the natural order of things as they were intended.

2) At the root of mental illness.
"Here. Take a pill." Was the response from the psychiatrist when I shared the story of my last LSD experience when I heard a chorus of angels say, "Primal Separation Anxiety Disorder. Live in the woods a while and put your mind back to order."
by growmoreweed January 11, 2016
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1. A large fecal deposit that looks like it was produced by a dinosaur.

2. Scat made by a dinosaur.
1. „Wow dude, That’s a huge primal biscuit!“

2.“Here is a primal biscuit produced by a T-rex.“
by chicken_terminator June 25, 2022
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