A time when your cat is either floating into the air or talking to you
Yo, dude, I think there's a ghost in my cat, dude
by Nightmareish July 6, 2022
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(Friend calls) " hey dude come out tonight"
Dude: "can't I'm shaving my cat tonight"
by Browncam183 February 7, 2017
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An excuse used when you don’t want to tell someone something.
Person 1: stop stalling and tell me
Person 2: Oh um, I have to go walk my cat bye
by your roblox girlfriend January 27, 2019
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When a female goes away to pleasure herself.
Erin: Hey Cassie do you want to go to the club tonight?

Cassie: I can't tonight, I have to walk my cat.
by MichealScottPaperCompany January 29, 2018
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When a girl wants a boy to smash her in the pussy
Shara told daylin to ram it in my cat
by Ram it in my cat April 19, 2017
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