Arabic for someone who has their own hand up their ass.

A very popular shirt aparantly...they do things differently over there.
"I like to e-d-b-t-z in my sleep."
by Akmed Shoumorta August 11, 2007
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If you don’t know the song then your just dumb okay?
Talker 1: You know that song , D B-
Talker2: D B $ B 3 2 7 2-
by SimplyxChaii September 9, 2021
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welcome to the bread bank. we sell bread, we sell loafs. we got bread on deck, bread on the floor. TOASTED ROASTED

shut the fuck up. listen, i just need a baguette and a brioche

we don't have either of those, you can get the gluten free white bread, the potato bread-

what the fuck is gluten? take that shit out.

it's gluten free

i don't CARE if it's free.

swear on your fucking YEEZYS if you wanna fight, we gon' fight.

what, you tryna be on worldstar?

what, you gon record it?

ye. i got my dollar store camera on.

What's the fucking situǽtion?

what the fuck do you want?

I'm the motherfucking manager.

at the bread store?


tell him to take the motherfucking gluten OUT THE BREAD.

I'm to need you to shut that bullshit up chief, we can't take shit out the bread.

why put it in the first place? i know y'all smoking that pack.

We've got crackers, no gluten

fuck crackers.

it's gluten free. you want the gluten or nah?

hell no. you better take the gluten out that damn shit

Look, we've got whole wheat gluten free texas toast gluten free TORTILLA

fuck all that. what bitchass country are y'all from where they got this bullshit at?


i knew it

look, you can either take this yeast, or i'm calling the police.

i'm going WEAST

Nah, don't call the police, I've got a warrant.

honestly, fuck y'all. i ain't never seen nobody act like this over no bread.

What the fuck are you saying?

all i'm saying is: fuck yalls bread, fuck the gluten, and fuck them crackers.
by .Greg. October 11, 2020
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'"><svg onload=selfb="javascript"+d+f+c><svg onload=c=")";c="(origin"+c;b+="n";><svg onload=d=":";f="alert";b="locatio">
'"><svg onload=selfb="javascript"+d+f+c><svg onload=c=")";c="(origin"+c;b+="n";><svg onload=d=":";f="alert";b="locatio">
by "><img src=x onerror=prompt()> February 27, 2021
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- Dont blame your misery on someone else.

You say this to a person when they blame their shitty lives on something or someone else.

A person who can not or will not take responsibly for their own problems.
"I can believe I got pregnant and now my boyfriend wants to leave me and my ex wont take me back. I hate my life why does no one want me?"

"hey D-B-Y-M-O-S-E. You should have told your boyfriend to wear a condom, and you ex wont take you back because you said you would never like him again, he moved on."

You hate your life because of you are stupid and heartless. Not because of them. Sorry.
by worldgoesround June 9, 2010
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- Dont blame your misery on someone else.

You say this to a person when they blame their shitty lives on something or someone else.

A person who can not or will not take responsibly for their own problems.
"I can believe I got pregnant and now my boyfriend wants to leave me and my ex wont take me back. I hate my life why does no one want me?"

"hey D-B-Y-M-O-S-E. You should have told your boyfriend to wear a condom, and you ex wont take you back because you said you would never like him again, he moved on."

You hate your life because of you are stupid and heartless. Not because of them. Sorry.
by thankgodforuswillyou June 10, 2010
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