used as an interjection for disapointment or anger. And is truely a bad thing happens, a double-blast is in order.
I just ran out of all my beer for the weekend, Blast! I just contracted herpes, Double-Blast!
by Connor March 28, 2004
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really really really boring work, causing mind numbness. requires absolutely no brain power, just eyes and arms.
"greg, can you stop indexing and blast some files please"
by scotch egg March 22, 2005
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shouting, broadcasting loudly, spreading gossip to everyone
"Don't be blasting my business everywhere"
by Dawnelle December 28, 2007
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When someone gets extremely emotional & overreactive, & spams lots of emotionally-fuelled messages, usually featuring manipulative tactics such as self-pitying & guilt tripping, as a panic response.
Sometimes, these messages will feature stabbing .

Girlfriends usually do this when their boyfriend needs space & they do not understand this.
Bébé: just... calm down
Moi: Do you even love me?
Do you even care???
What is wrong with you???
I try so hard, you know
What do you do in this relationship?
Do you even recognise my efforts????
God you're so selfish
Bébé: can you please stop being dramatic & stop blasting me
by Killossal September 30, 2017
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When a male takes his manhammer and pounds the living piss out of a cum dumpster.
Man: Whore prepare yourself for your blastings.
Whore: But my vagine is swore...
by Big Pimping January 4, 2008
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An alternate (slang) way to describe a bowell movement
eg: I just blasted a serious D
by Sean Z July 20, 2006
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