you look like you eat ass, you smell like horrid feces and you get gangbanged
example: juan got zaza oom’d by his step dad
by kthesimp666 January 2, 2023
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This weed is some zaza!
by Zybaby December 7, 2022
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Zaza means exotic weed. The term “Za” or "Zaza" has been used by rappers?!?!
(weed is drugs)
dude could not last 1 day without the ZAZA
1 day without the ZAZA
by ball destroyer9000 February 1, 2023
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by xffff November 14, 2022
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Zaza can be uses as a gender-neutral or non-gendered way to refer to a parent.
Child: Hey Zaza what is for dinner?

Parent: We are having pizza for dinner.


Friend: Hey why do some people call you Zaza?

Me: I am the parent friend, and my girlfriend is their "mom". I don't like being called mom, so I have them call me Zaza.
by StayWolfie October 22, 2020
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yo man u trinna smoke some of dat zaza
by w1lburxz November 22, 2022
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