When you get weak, but then you eat a sandwich and get stronger.
Below the example is a free GIF of every TF2 class Kazotskying.
Heavy: Nom nom nom, om nom.
Heavy: Sandvich make me strong!
by The local Argentinian guy October 9, 2021
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A phrase used when experiencing a great amount of laughter or an uncontrollable amount of laughter in a given situation.
Betty: Susan fell down the stairs and her pants ripped!
Gretta: Don't make me piss

Betty: The teacher driving the school van hit a mailbox
Gretta: Don't make me piss that's unreal
by fooke7 February 7, 2023
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to get someone's hopes up, only to be let down
"Bro, I heard Kanye West is giving out free waffles and CDs at his concert this weekend"
"Bro, don't make me nut"
by DamnHe'sGood March 18, 2015
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Something that the scum of pop culture and it's followers say to make them feel better about themselves.
$wag YMCMB ca$h m0ney MC: yo bitches i get money n hos cuz i got swag but yall wack cuz u got no swag

Someone with a functioning brain: Shut up, you suck!

$wag YMCMB ca$h m0ney MC: got yo grandma on my dikk, haters make me famous
by SMTN January 20, 2014
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The state of mind that a wife-beater or otherwise angry male house inhabitant tends to dwell in. This state of mind often takes physical forms outside of a simple mentality. When one is in said state, a fury of bitch slaps and most often angry demanding remarks are hellishly unleashed onto ones life partner. Phrases such as "DON'T YOU SPEAK WOMAN!", "SHUT UP AND GET ME A BEER!", or, more commonly, "MAKE ME A SAMMICH BITCH!" are shouted at said life partner. Users of the MMASBM can commonly be described as fat, sweaty with the distinct stench of beer, stale cigarettes, and microwaveable dinners. Sometimes heavy Texan or otherwise bumfuck amuurhican state accents are attributed to such individuals. Although the "Make Me a Sammich Bitch" mentality is a common and natural male process, it is frowned upon in most northern states and all of Canada. In today's world, it is not recommended for use, as the female component of the mentality may end up with 50% of your life, and both testicles.
guy 1: "so I heard Cletus has been in a make me a sammich mentality lately"
guy 2: "yeah he threw his beer at his woman and told her to make him a sammich"
guy 1: "she must have been giving him lip"
by Carson Myers February 23, 2007
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Things that make you want to vomit, such that you often get a small taste of vomit in the back of your throat.
When you see a picture of a Donald Trump pandering to the same Hispanics he called rapists and criminals, while also finding a way to self-promote his own business, it makes me wanna vom.
by citizendebate16 May 5, 2016
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