a man-hating asshole bitch who's main duty is to degrade men and tell the world that men are responsible for everything bad in the world.
Biblish: May God bless thou who killeth thy Feminazi
English: God Bless those who shitkicks those fucking Feminazis
by your best idiot April 7, 2010
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A feminazi is a term, usually used by Donald Trump supporters or twelve year old boys trying to be funny, said towards anybody who supports women's rights. On rare occasions, the term feminazi is used when one is jealous of a females work in school, usually taking place in middle schools across America.

Or, so people won't get offended and and at me for not including this, the women's rights supporters people who are completely against male rights. Which is basically a misogynist but more people use the term feminazi so let's go with that.
Example One
63 year old dad: "all these feminazis are voting for Hilary Clinton, trying to get rid of our savior, trump"

Example two
Random twelve year old 1: "wow, notice how that group of girls are always first in the lunch line?"

Random twelve year old 2: "yeah they're such feminazis"
by Random Homosexual September 4, 2017
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A derogatory term used by oppressors towards feminists (people who believe in gender equality). This term compares those striving for women's rights to soldiers who did the evil bidding of Adolf Hitler during WW3, and is completely false.
Ugh, she's such a feminazi.
Right, because wanting equal rights for her gender is just like invading Poland
by Feminism for Equality February 19, 2017
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A mythical creature hallucinated by the minds of right-wingers/MRAs and accepted by a brain-washed populace for the purpose of de-legitimizing the reality of gender and intersectional discrimination and those who try to fight against it. Attempts to draw some sort of parallel between feminism and Nazism, despite the fact that it makes no fucking sense.
Feminist: I believe in breaking down the various barriers of discrimination and privilege that hold women and humanity back.

Sexist: OMG, feminazi!

Feminist: ...And people like you are exactly why I need to do that.
by TheOneSanePersonInTheWorld January 1, 2016
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Femi’ obviously refers to the female. ‘Nazi’ obviously refers to soldieres who carried out mass gonocide. A feminazi is a misogynistic, bakerwards thinking, male. A feminazi wishes for a genocide of female equality.
Jarred tells Bethany to try not to ruin the family dinner by ‘talking to much like’ a ‘stupid bitch.’ Jarred’s mother scolds him for talking ‘like some sort of awful Feminazi’.
by Ladyliterature May 20, 2020
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Feminazi, or also known as Feminism with a touch of Nazi, represents every single dumb bitch trying to get equal rights for women, this may also apply for men.
Jordan: Stacey can you wash the dishes?
Stacey: No! I'm not a dishwasher
Jordan: Shut the fuck you feminazi and go clean the dishes
Stacey: Ok daddy. Whatever the master says.
by afuckingcunt November 26, 2018
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A word that sexist men use to convince themselves that feminists are just crazy "bitches" instead of people that are fighting for gender equality.
Brad: Hey look at that group of feminazi's marching to lessen the pay gap between men and women.

Mark: stfu, Brad. Just because you can't get any girls to date you doesn't mean that you are the oppressed one.

Brad: you wouldn't last a second in a COD lobby.
by ChaoticRat37 March 9, 2021
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