What you say whenever something totally awesome happens. Usually said in high pitched enthusiastic voice.
Pablo: Dude, I just totally bowling balled that chick last night!

Derek: Did she sit on your face?

Pablo: Hell yeah she did!


(Both then go on to high five each other with extraordinary excitement)
by Chief Booty December 23, 2013
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Mississippi Dang Dang
Devin -Man them ole girls is falling hard for Brady and Ty... Dusty-You wonder why.....Bryan-Its that Mississippi Dang Dang. #MDD
by BSims42 September 8, 2021
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His dang was huge.
by Mowg August 3, 2009
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Extremely awesome; very cool. Usually used to describe objects and events, not people. (Pronounced as DAHN-jee)
Snoop's concert last night was DANGE!!
by Manny Bananahammock December 3, 2005
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synonym for "damn"
etymology : probabily comes from the french word "dingue", which means "silly!" "crazy!" "damn!"
dang, that is good
by mik_kap July 11, 2008
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It's an insult whereby its like more blurted out to express someone's anger or anguish when things are not going his/her way. It actually means fuck but with more "twist" to spice up the four letter word. Can be used to convey the message that things dont happen the way someone wants it to be. A more appropriate to use such phrase is for example when a guy/girl plays pool or snooker and the ball doesnt go in to the deisred pocket. It can also be used for soccer and other sports etc.
The man exclaimed fucka dang dang to describe his agony of not putting the pool ball into the pocket.
by akizz February 4, 2007
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dang, he is fine!
Dang( as a name) is fine
by Anonymous September 23, 2003
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