When your friend tells a joke that still needs work they should "keep the cones up" until it's ready to tell in public.
Joey, your joke isn't remotely funny, better "keep the cones up" on that one.
by Hewhopointsouttheobvious March 23, 2023
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When you are smoking kush and right before someone takes a hit you jizz into the cone piece and sprinkle lime juice on it to give the bong hit more of a zing. If done correctly you should cough up cum for the next few weeks. You can do the advanced eli cone by jizzing into your hand and throwing it across the room into the cone piece. This takes alot more skill and good technique and if done incorrectly you can throw jizz into the person who is smoking and they will beat the shit out of you. With the advanced eli cone you also have to throw the lime across the room.
Did you hear last night me and my dad tried the eli cone and it was soooo good!
by phatphuckincock69 June 21, 2017
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Woman uses her period blood to flavor snow cone.Then is eaten by a person.
My girlfriend made me a cherry snow cone last night and I loved it.
by 9RuthyRauffy2 August 15, 2023
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When an uncut penis gets covered in shit from anal and gets trapped under the foreskin.
Bro, Steve got a mud cone after him and Sarah tried anal.
by Kaigon February 8, 2020
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soft serve ice cream cones from mcdonalds (aka mcdoogies)
ill have three doogie cones with my large fry
by Jeff Nevitt January 7, 2010
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The remnants of an ice cream cone left in ones beard, shirt, lap, the table or stuck to your arm.
That cone from Micky D's was so good I still have cone crumbs on my shorts!
by djtimyd August 24, 2017
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