a sexual act preformed at red lobster location whilst you beat your dick under the table while the waiter/waitress is getting your order and you have to cum by the end of your order
Gary have you tried the red lobster yet.

yea I did it on Tuesday with john and the others.
by lobster beater March 13, 2021
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Red Lobster is a rich man with connections with red skin and lots of the money.
Red Lobster: hey white boy you need mooney
white boy : im all about that free mooney
Red Lobster: i got theee conections boy
by giferta February 8, 2017
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The kind of filth that takes disgusting mud baths in the dreary backwater hell-scape of Tennessee
Yo, did you see the pond lobster back there laying in that dried up lake?

Yeah, and it is about to rain too!

Figures. Damn pond lobsters...
by DSFish March 17, 2022
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An Alternative word for jumpscaring someone
Mainly used when a lobster is used for the jumpscare
Me: Here is a lobster
Friend: AAAAAAAA!!!
Me: Lobstered
by averyoriginalusername September 8, 2022
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To have a commercially sourced lobster comedically placed in ones privately owned pool. The practice of lobstering originated in the late 1900s before lobsters were seen as delicacy.
I fucking hate John. Don’t worry I lobstered his house for you yesterday.
by KyHavers June 26, 2023
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an extremely sunburnt tourist from europe
im going to the beach to check for lobster brits to laugh at
by chuckles899 October 16, 2014
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Accepting that, while it's perfectly natural to want to fight against hierarchical structures, social hierarchies are also perfectly natural and are an essential part of existing as an intelligent, social species. Serotonin-based social hierarchies have existed for 100's of millions of years and due to the nature of their existence they can never truly be destroyed, only replaced.
Yeah bro, Bakunin's take on the dictatorship of the proletariat was pretty based and Lobster pilled.
by hello muddah September 20, 2022
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