It is one of the new feminist theories created in S.Korea.
This feminism is hilariously the most welcoming feminism of men, especilly misogynists, mansplainers rather than women.
If you want to be a 'Zucchini feminist' , all you need to do is just say "I am a feminist". That's it. you don't have to prove it or be proved. and say "you are not feminists, you such a mob, man hater, bully" to women who criticize about your misogyny.
that is the important point that you take the victim's place. it is a good excuse that women says a bad words to guys. when women criticize, hate you , just say "hey! student! listen carefully! I am a real feminist and you are fake. what you do is just bullshit. follow me I can enlighten and educate you what is the real feminism. never say bad words to men. as a man I really want to help you. peace! "
p.s. you must speak it with man's plain .

why is a zucchini?
this all started with this conversation from somewhere on internet
"you wanna be beaten with a zucchini?"
"you are so violent. just like misogyny guys"
she should't have said that.
woman: omg. I falled out of the job interview again. better school, better grade than other men, but why?
man: cause they think you are not enough?
woman : glass.ceilling maybe
man : omg . only ugly fat women say that but no doubt. I am a real feminist.
woman : no. you just a zuccihni feminist.

A : hey what is the zucchini feminism (feminist)?
B: it is so weird feminism that only men like.
by gdnnp November 28, 2017
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Some revolting merd that needs to get wiped off from the face of the earth. Feminists are too butt-fugly to look at, they don't have any iq and have pea-sized brains. Feminist self-claimed "women" are actually hermaphrodites that hate men because they are extremely fugly looking unnatural revolting emetic genetic garbage that shouldn't be allowed to live at all. Complete faggots ( fake-males ) are also usually feminists. Parents of feminists are usually siblings who suffer from down syndrome. Everytime you see that kind of dirt on the street, just take out your knife and stab or trample it to death as bloody as possible.
Oh look, there is some shitty feministcrap walking down the street. Let's take our knifes out...
by EvilUncle December 3, 2022
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A word that lost its meaning after women got rights.
Feminist: All men are bad!
Men: We shouldn't have given you rights.
Men2: Agreed.
by Certified Redditior May 13, 2021
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Females who hate men so much that they won't even use men as a sex slave. They want to kill all men because we treated them bad in the past. In reality, they could of just fought back when men had the idea of women being weak.
Feminist 1: let's murder all of the men.
Feminist 2: yes let's do that.
by That one guy who know stuff March 14, 2022
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Oh hey look, it's that feminists ranting about KAM again
by The 2 braincell duck February 10, 2021
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A frumpy dyke, usually with hair that is dyed to an unnatural color such as blue or pink and occasionally green
Did you see the feminist protest of the new ad to get yourself checked for prostate cancer
by Mr97 March 9, 2023
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Someone who hates men, a way of saying you’re sexist, but in a feminine way.
That “feminist” is really rude
by Petdragon June 5, 2022
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