The groups of "people" (people used in the loosest possible term) which gather on the ends of railway station platforms and vegitate (veg) all day long. They either have a compact camera, a basic video camera, or just a notebook and pen, are often virgins, and spout nothing but hypocrisy, lies, and outrageous suggestions of movements and workings on the UK railway scene. They are quite often the scum of the earth, and are avoided by most and feared by some. If you get in their way or even stand close to them, they will exercise their god given right to abuse you and issue empty threats of violence and death, because it's their territory, and all trespassers must be shot.
*Trains approaches "Here it is" *platform end veg spouts every number of every wagon/carriage in the consist over the top of everyone elses video*

"I heard that Network Rail are withdrawing the New Measurement Train and are going to start using Class 31s again with Class 67s and DVTs instead"

*Photographer stands behind veg, camera clicking away* "Oi! I was tryin'a video that! Yer want that camera smashin' in yer f*ckin face?"
by TwoSixAlpha August 22, 2014
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alec entered the gay restaurant rather apprehensively and took a seat. the waiter minced over and said "would sir care to see the menu?"
"no" replied alec "i really want your meat & two veg!"
by theWestHamfan November 23, 2003
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Hi Schnucks what you had for supper…..

I was really contemplating just having a salad but Mike came over and I ended up eating his meat and two veg. Quite a delicious and fulfilling way to end my evening 👍🏾👍🏾😋😋
by Marshmellow49 June 14, 2022
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an Indian slang for a dirty joke (a joke containing references to bodies and sexual activities)
Please don't make any non-veg jokes in front of my mom, she thinks i am very innocent.
by October 17, 2022
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