The faster and larger an online discussion grows, the probability of a civilized conversation based on the original topic approaches 0.
(Check out for examples of Cretin's Law)
by Solipsism1000 June 26, 2010
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Craig: Why are you wearing shorts in winter you cretinous etinous?
Jamie: short weather innit
by Craig Teev17 May 22, 2021
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Someone who has a very big head,eyes and a very small ear.To fit in this category you have to of had cake in your face, owned a pair of sambas and sent a pic of your chode to a 12 year old. If you fit in this category you need to be very careful with your head, because your head is so big it can cause serious damage that can end earth eg. BIG BANG
An example of Harvey Cretin is someone who looks like a pug
by Reece Cant December 18, 2017
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Mysterious 'bit' that somehow appears in a drink.
Person #1: Fuckin' 'ell lad there's a massive fucking cretin in me drink.
Person #2: Fuck off lad, ya ma's a cretin.
by I am the fucking law mate June 24, 2011
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Infiltration of a website by retards; the process whereby a website's increasing popularity renders it useless.

Message boards and other pages relying on user interaction for content are gradually overwhelmed by flame wars, online games are deserted but for those players using bots and sites where users rate films or games become an exercise in pointlessness as teenage boys trundle through giving zero or full marks apparently at random. The original audience will become sick of this and move on. Swift and rigorous action by moderators (see mod) can help to counter cretin creep but often is more trouble than it's worth. Also twat creep, ass creep.
Popbitch is a textbook example of twat creep.
by shoggoth August 11, 2003
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When you're so hungry that you resort to doing the dishes so you can eat the wet food at the bottom of the sink.

(It quenches your thirst as well)
Yo my mom hadn't bought groceries in TWO WEEKS and I was feelin' the Cretin Hunger come on real strong!
by NuzzleBait June 6, 2019
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Synonymous with "spanking the money" or "choking the chicken". A reference to human male masturbation, or self gratification, via manipulation of one's own male genitalia. Based on either a reinterpretation, or misinterpretation, of the Ramones' classic hit song "Cretin Hop". Most likely to be used by a person who identifies with "punk-rock" or is in fact a "punk-rocker". Punk-rocker is a term used in the Ramones' classic hit song "Sheena Is A Punk Rocker".
1) Dude, that lap-dance was so hot and heavy, I think he's in the bathroom beatin' on the cretin right now.

2) My roommate has porno mags all over his room. I always knock on the door, cuz I don't wanna get post traumatic sex disorder from catching him beatin' on the cretin.
by JJ. Styles February 16, 2012
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