To engage in such heavy and violent drinking that you lose vision, memory and can potentially drown.
holy fuck i was blasting everything lastnight from vodka to breast milk and everything in between!
by Sutter1251 June 13, 2016
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Violent diarrhea. Most commonly found on public rest room walls, floors, or on the back of toilets. Also known as “AMD” or “Almost Made it Diarrhea” it occurs when a person with diarrhea is in dire need of a rest room and almost makes it to the toilet bowl, but ends up shitting all over everything else in the stall.
Did you clean the mens room? Hell no! Someone had blast all over the place in there.
by M. Jordan January 18, 2008
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Sodomy, especially to a man. To engage in a homosexual act.
OMG, those couple of homos are going to blast in the urinals.

This is a no-blasting zone, you homo; get the fuck out.

That guy from the IRS called again for you.
Ah, fuck him, he's a blaster.
by Rick aka Flames November 30, 2007
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dude, lets go take a blast. or do you think george wants a blast?
by yogit July 4, 2009
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