When you are far from your home and a man date-rapes your woman (who lives at your home) while she is at home through shiny consumer goods.
So I came home from New York and Claire told me that she was struck by a Travelling Vacuum salesman. After reprimanding her I tracked the man down and destroyed him.
by Captain Ben7 April 22, 2011
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A crap job that involves breaking into peoples' homes and offering them crap they don't want. This includes phony vacation offers, annoying election information, shady fundraisers, and fake IRS scams.

You possibly want to avoid these if you're on the defensive side. This is made especially worse if you're an entrepreneur, as you'll end up getting interrupted if you're in a meeting or on the phone with an important client. These people give offers of wanting you featured in their magazine or newspaper, selling you their college student app or coupon book, etc., just for the purpose of leeching cash from your wallet.

Is there a way to avoid these? Yes, just put up a no trespassing or soliciting sign.
As soon I was about to leave to get pizza, I got interrupted by a door to door salesman about a stupid fundraiser. I told him to back off.
by The Real Driller January 1, 2023
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A classification of a salesperson being unremarkably afraid to interact with a customer or speaking in such a wisperous tone that people cannot hear shit all from them.
Sam:So John, how many sales did ya rig up today?
John:None, nobody was paying any attention.....
Sam:Arrggghhh your such a Sissy Bitch Salesman!
Sam:Fuck knows how you became a Salesperson!
by Xhskdkddkokddjjdjdsjhg December 24, 2009
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(n) a combination of the popular term "snake oil salesman" and Obama.

Refers to a morally-bankrupt and unethical politician who has one agenda, yet publicly pretends to have a polar-opposite agenda just so that he can get re-elected to office, at which time he will implement his true policy which will destroy the lives of those who blindly supported him and lead to the complete destruction of the district; State; or Country in which he resides.
Can you believe all of the lies that he just threw out during his campaign speech? Unless you knew he was full of bullshit, you'd think that he was a great guy with all of those pie-in-the-sky statements. It'd be like Hitler saying that he loved Jews and wanted them to prosper.

"And the worst part is, all those idiots in the audience that just kept on clapping at everything he said. I can't believe what a Snake Oil-Bama Salesman he really is!. Anyone with a brain knows that he hates white people and want's to destroy the United States. He's leading his own people and the welfare whores straight to the ovens."
by mike87111 August 18, 2012
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I threw a rock at that guy and it hit him square in the one eyed Bible salesman!
by void_nothing May 12, 2007
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A crafty smooth-talker dude who initially claims to just want a "first base" friendship with a lady, but in reality is merely using this assertion as an "opener" to eventually getting into her pants.
Hot chick: Brandon claimed he just wants to take me for strolls hand-in-hand... yeah, right... sounds like da classic "platonic bridge-salesman" pitch to me --- I've seen how he looks at me whenever I wear a swimsuit or a sun-dress!
by QuacksO March 7, 2017
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where you have intercourse with your partner doggy style then when shes cumming you slip a thumb in her back door
that sneaky salesman got in last night didn't he
by pj67 December 2, 2017
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