Close to the Japanese Rain Goggles but your man only has one nut sack that drops. Picture the Monopoly guy or Mr. Peanut.
I was trying to give my girl the Japanese Rain Goggle but it was cold and only was able to give her a Japanese Rain Monocle instead.
by Mr.Ballsack August 30, 2013
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When your stupid hammered and you think you are being witty or smart or sophisticated, but your really just a drunk fool making an ass out of yourself.
You get pulled over....

Reality: Don't touch me pig, BRUTALITY, BRUTALITY.

Drunk Monocle Effect: Good Morrow Officer, I know the law very well and in RCW 10.72.30 states that you may not perform a legal search of said premises without written or oral consent. If I am not be arrested or put into custody than I will take to my motor carriage and be on my way.
by MRBIZZYNUTS February 2, 2011
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To engage in a civilized discussion based on compromising with the peers you discuss tripe with, while keeping an open mind and laughing away disagreements and agreements. Usually stereotyped and portrayal of well aged men donning the garb of the usual business man and sipping on the finest of wine in front of a raging fire.
Johnathan and William are the best of friends, who share their differences through agreements. They engage in Top Hat & Monocle Discussions to show that they can understand each other without the exchange of hurtful words.

William : Do you believe Abortion is right?

Johnathon : Oh William, you do know we have no say in the beliefs of others

William : people do have the power to influence, correct?

Johnathon : People should have their own choice, I personally don't believe in taking away the lives of unborn children only because their parent isn't supposedly "ready" but why should I have a say in their choice?

William : You're right, why should we decide for others.
by The Souper Nazi May 27, 2009
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Sexual position in which a top hat and monocle are used. The imagination is used to make for a kinky sexual enviroment. A very passionate and energetic sex position. A higher class position
oh so you did the top hat monocle position
by Bobozegreat August 14, 2010
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1. The act of smacking someone in the eye with your penis

2. Mushroom stamping strictly in the eye
Yo fam you know ole girl ? Well last night I gave that chick a monocle
by MrDoubleDuece May 8, 2020
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pulling out while getting a blowjob to squirt in the girls eye, mainly as a joke, but sometimes accidental.
So i was with this really slutty girl, i just met her so i thought it would be funny to give her a foggy monocle.

Dude, my girlfriend was pumpin on my dick so hard that when i came i accidently gave her a foggy monocle.
by Dank Killa October 2, 2009
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One who is aroused in such a way that he rethinks his entire strategy on furthering the industrial Revolution and at the same time struggling to contain the shivering radiating from his handlebar moustache due to the aura from a handsome suitable female.
Umf lady Cora, you have truly given this humble industrialist a steamed monocle. Hurrah!
by Jakeous Maximus June 25, 2021
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