From a song.
1) Used as a funny way of saying argh.
2) Used as a comeback to do with getting a boner.
3) Used whenever you want.
1) P1: "You left your bag on the bus."
P2: "Argh that makes me hard!"

2) P1: "Yo did you see how the wind lifted up that chicks skirt!?"
P2: "Yessssss shes HOT!"
P1: "Argh that makes me hard!"

3) P1: "Hmmm I'm really bored..."
P2: "Argh that makes me hard!"
by dkjbds August 26, 2008
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something that you say when someone has suggested something that you think is not at all likely to happen
'You never know, Pete might help out.' 'Pete? Help out? Don't make me laugh!'
by omomo November 17, 2013
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Where you FUCK so much and so hard that your skin (pussy/penis) is "raw"
Tom: So how was it last night with Laurie
David: It was amazing I told her to make me raw
by Dirtymindedemotrash March 17, 2017
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Response said when someone says something and you simply don't care or whatever they said didn't affect you in any way.

i really don't care

it didn't affect me at all.
Amy: Hey, the other day John tried to get play from your best friend.

You: So? That don't make me none.
by FriscoJenna May 23, 2006
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in seinfeld kramer got this line in a woody allen movie
These pretzels are making me thirsty George yelled out the window of Jerry's apartment, and kramer got fired from the movie because when he said the line he slammed down a glass cup and broke a piece into woody allen's eye and he started to cry.
by kingkong77775 April 13, 2007
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not really caring, it not making a difference in your life, and not really have an affect on you
“hey brian i told you not to take my car you know my mom is on her way home” “yeah but it don’t make me no difference”
by sararichardson September 12, 2019
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