The act of pissing outside during the winter months and it freezing mid stream
Man it was so cold last night, I took a piss and instead I got a yellow lightsaber
by hollahollagetdolla420 September 5, 2015
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When you are done having sex with a girl and you pull out and your shocked to find out your dick is all covered with blood. It looks like a red light saber.
Person 1:"Did you hear John's girlfriend didn't tell him she was on her period before they had sex?"
Person 2:"Yeah she gave him a red lightsaber"
by JT $$$ January 29, 2007
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When you and your friend continuously touch dicks and make the famous lightsaber noise
Jay: Hey Tom fancy a lightsaber duel?
Tom: yeah sure!
-Both dicks touch as lightsaber noises are made-
by Eggytom June 4, 2017
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A broken off beer or liquor bottle, (in some instances, a broken pool cue) used as a jagged weapon in a fight. Usually the person brandishing it is Irish, pissed off, and swings it around like a lightsaber.
I nearly got cut in the face with an Irish lightsaber when the soccer hooligans were rioting outside the bar.
by Dr. Claw February 9, 2009
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Utilized by many across the world - specifically "Hector" M.

Actual definition: Weed eater
Hector M. Utilized the double bladed Mexican Lightsaber in the front yard to ensure that Gino's grass was cut to even.
by The Rambone August 16, 2013
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A fly ass terrordome apartment made for pimpin' on a shoe string budget.
Yo my ass so broke but I hooked up the pad with mad shit g on less than your ghetto place.

Welcome to the my purple lightsaber pad bro!
by Anthony Congress November 15, 2016
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When two males put colored condoms on their penis's and proceed using them as "swords" or "lightsabers" and battling one another to the death, or until ejaculation occurs.
Your mother is a Lightsaber battle of doom
by Marksman000048 June 12, 2010
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