the term "mining outlaws" refers to individuals or groups of "blue collared workers" in the mining industry of Australia who consistently break the rules and procedures of their workplaces, or believe certain rules do not apply to them, usually these rules are broken to make normal day to day work practices easier and quicker or in most cases it's purely to lift the morale of the workforce who usually work under and adhere to strict rules and procedures, with a large amount of rules being illogical and nonsensical. resulting in sometimes a depressive work environment.

these individuals or groups of "mining outlaws" never put themselves or anyone else's safety at risk, harm or danger.
working in an extremely strict authoritarian work environment where intimidation by higher management is the main tactic used to keep the workforce obedient and compliant.
to break any rules big or small and not get caught, is to become a "mining outlaw"

and once an outlaw you are always an outlaw.
did you see Johnny driving around today, he didn't even use his indicator when he had that work ute drifting sideways around that corner, he's a "mining outlaw" that bloke.

notice how Johnny always has good mannerisms and etiquette in the office but as soon as hes outside he's carrying on like a mad dog, cursing, farting and smoking in non smoking areas and has all the office people fooled he's such a "mining outlaw"

those maintenance fellas are hands down without question "mining outlaws" we just have no way of proving it.
by Blow darting Phig’s July 22, 2022
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