The Super straight flag represents a person who is attracted to a cisgender person of the opposite sex. There are many modified versions of this flag that include the flag's colors of orange and black. 🟧⬛️
(superstraights or super straights are not to be confused with transphobics)
Person 1: Hey are you superstraight too?
Person 2: Yeah, did you see my super straight flag?
*shuts door*
Person 1: When will they learn?
Person 2: When its convenient
by Minecraft_turtle7 March 8, 2021
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A man who is only attracted to females who are born females, and those females are attracted to males who were also born male.
Guy 1: Hey do you like women who like trans men?
Guy 2: Hell to the fuck no, i’m super super straight
by Otpurzid March 8, 2021
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“Hey, did you know Jake came out as Super Straight!”

“No way! He’s so brave
by Bexishere March 8, 2021
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the people who have this in their bio, have the biggest most massive -
Miranda: hey Tyrese are you super straight

Tyrese: yeah
Miranda: Oh I just know it’s massive
by CaptainCapNot March 9, 2021
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code for “micropenis”. used between guys who want to know if their penis is normal even tho it is two inches. the more men that say it, the more people will feel that their atom dick is normalized !
kaiden: i have a really tiny cock, am 4 foot 7, and 16, have no personality, i think lil uzi is good, jah and juice are goats, i just don’t get tyler the creator, (i hate all gay people), and i have 9 toes.

jonny: ah yes a fellow super straight🟧⬛️ man.
by j.maya!!!! March 8, 2021
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Formal Definition:
A biological Man (XY) who only has sexual interest in biological Females (XX) who are within the average BMI (Body Mass Index) 18.5 and 25.

Biological Man - a biological male who has an X and Y chromosome.
Biological Woman - a biological female who has two X chromosomes.
Markus: Hey man would you date that biological female?

Titus: Nah I'm Uber Super Straight, shes not a biological female with two X chromosomes between 18.5 and 25 on the international standard body mass index therefore I'm not attracted to her, just the way I was born I guess.
Markus: I respect the orientation you were born with. I hope one day you will find a biological female with two X chromosomes between 18.5 and 25 BMI so that you can one day have healthy children and live a peaceful family life.
by Titus Tiberius March 12, 2021
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