A newly deflowered person who still has very little understanding about how to pleasure a weiner
Alisa just sucked her first dick, a brand new weiner baby is born.
by unheracross September 24, 2018
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A nap following a delightful meal of hotdogs.
I can't make it right now..I just ate chili dogs for lunch and I have to take a Weiner Shnoozin'.
by chefguync June 12, 2019
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A male that is very attracted to sausage shaped things, like a penis for example.
Josh: Dude whats your obsession with hot dogs?

Josh 2: Nothing much i'm just a Weiner man
by BigRussianBalls42069 October 6, 2021
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A term used to define a condition affecting men who live in the Chicago area. The condition is common amongst people named Brad and is considered a long term condition.
Wow Brad sure has a Slender weiner!

Look at Brad go he is a real slender weiner.
by JDUB59 July 13, 2023
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The amount of hot dogs in a certain place at a certain time.
Man! The Weiner Count is through the roof!
by Weiner World February 23, 2021
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Somebody who cries after receiving penis
That girl was a weiner weeper bro she sucked my dick then cried after.
by anonymous14 May 8, 2020
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When you tap your "package" on your girls forehead

"Oh baby it's weiner thump time, are you ready?"
"I could go for a good weiner thump right about now"

Will you please wiener thump me?
"I could go for a nice hard weiner thump right now"
by Jessethegreat June 13, 2015
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