that awkward moment when you listen to Sweater Weather in 5th grade and realize you’re bisexual.
person one: dude I have MASSIVE distortion sweater vibes rn
person two: man, that was me two years ago!
by waluigigorl4200 December 10, 2019
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When a male is continously making the sweetest of love mildly nausea's and randomly hurls on the back of a girl giving her a Christmas Sweater.
Male: Oh baby as i'm making love to you i forgot to tell you I got you a gift
Female: What is it baby?
Male: A..(Barfs)

Narrator: He gave her a Christmas Sweater
by LisTenCloseLy_ February 10, 2017
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Similar to bear wings but on the front. Hair on a mans chest and torso that makes it look like he is wearing a sweater even though his shirt is off.
Wow are you wearing a chest sweater?

That's quite the chest sweater bob.
by davidmai April 2, 2015
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When Fenty drops a red sweater to the floor on a discord call while his friends are recording, exposing his clenched & rat-nest hemorrhoid-infected buttocks. After falling out with them, the photo is then used as a way to low-blow Fenty whenever he is in an argument.
"Fenty, don't play with me before I make you drop the sweater 6 feet under, so it can be a memory for your dead great-grandmother (I mean father) who got shot up in New York City while suckin' dick in the back seat in 1985, thinking she was Electra from the show Pose."
by janelleshanae November 2, 2022
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A Tim sweater is a sweater with one color, this may include a logo of motive of some sort.
The Tim sweater is recognisable by the material used on the inside of the sweater. This needs to be soft and warm to the touch.
Person 1: "He has a lovely Tim sweater"
Person 2: "Yes! What brand is it?"
Person 1: "Pull & wqBear probably"
by tieslover123 March 13, 2020
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a sweater that can easily fit a whale; ginormous in size must make lots of jokes
Big red sweaterrrrrrrrrr
by Big-T November 6, 2004
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