Ngl lie is telling the truth but in a saucy way
Ngl lie , Catherine is so I love with jacob
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LIE journaling combines the therapeutic practice of journaling with an exploration of lies, deception, and storytelling. It offers a safe and confidential space for individuals to reflect on their own lies, motivations, and the impact of dishonesty.
Tom: LIE Journaling is the next big thing on social media.
Chet: What is LIE Journaling?
Tom: It's just a new way of exploring lies, deception, and storytelling.
Chet: New? My sister's been doing that on IG for a long time!
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you can use the phrase (or part of it, the example is below) to define the incipient fall depression (or just depression) when you don't want to do anything but lie on your bed, feeling cold inside and sleep on and on and on...
She hates the overcast weather and the autumn rain, all that makes her lie like an aluminum teaspoon and sometimes get up just only to make some tea.
"Hey, stop lying like an aluminum teaspoon down here, it's his birthday and we're supposed to be there in an hour!"
"Wake me up, when September ends!" - "Sure, you aluminum teaspoon".
by AlexRose1993 September 2, 2018
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This happens when something is blatantly and mischievously erroneous to the point of irritation.

Unfathomable error.

An error in a margin so large it is incomprehensible as to why it is incorrect.
by crackkillah September 2, 2018
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A lie has been told and all that can now be done is to see if it is found out. A play on the expression "the die is cast".
Should we go over the stories we told dad about where we were last night?

Nah, there's nothing we can do now; the lie is cast.
by maximthemagnificent March 24, 2014
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When a Korean man promises that he will put it in the vagina, but puts it in the butt.
by Rossreinhart July 10, 2018
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The dilettante politician oozed over to the podium, and started telling fat face lies.
by Shedoesntownadressherhairisalw December 14, 2021
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