Tyrannosaurus is my mom that I cannot I was just like I was just so afraid to go sleep again and again because I cannot was a good day and then she was so excited and I wanna know that she was so excited and I wanna know she is so much better and she was so excited and she was so scared and I wanna was the time she was so scared she was so excited and she was so scared she was so excited and she hugged him she hugged you so much and then she hugged me and she told me she was so scared she was so excited and she was so scared
by cerato March 18, 2020
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Wow, look at the HD texture on the E-100. That thing is a sexual tyrannosaurus!
by YeRPerOnI September 27, 2021
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absolutely huge out of your mind giagantic
whoah you're gonna be late? that is not okay. that is in fact a tyrannosaurusical problem.
by yoitsemma August 8, 2015
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A person who is acting like a complete fool causing inconvenience beyond belief.
"Did you talk to Fergus yesterday? He was acting like a tyrannosaurus dickhead!"
by Belinda O'hewerdine February 12, 2018
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A newly discovered and extremely contagious disease. With capabilities to take out millions, scientists wonder of the possibilities of its use in warfare.
One country could use its tyrannosaurus mega super aids to defend and overcome rapid machine gun fire.
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A problem in which the size can be described by words such as colossal or titanic. Usually these issues are stimulated by a friends act of stealing or adultery upon another.
Drake: bro you totally made a Tyrannosaurus Situation when you slept with my girlfriend!
by Cookiehound June 16, 2013
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