An idiotic football "fan" who prefers news about transfers to actually watching the game.They are known to base their opinions on the computer game, "Football Manager".
"I hope Man U sign Fernando Torres, he's world-class!"
"Oh shut up ehsanul, you transfer muppet."
by Wonder Pigeon June 28, 2007
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The act of transfering an arbitrary amount of bodily excrement between two consenting parties, done so by the following series of precise maneuvers.
Party A first kneels on the ground, and bends his/her head over to touch the floor so that their asshole is facing straight up, preferably stretched open.
Party B then sits on top of Party A, such that the assholes of both parties involved are directly aligned. At this point, either or both parties proceed to defocate into each other, the idea being that the fecal "data" is "transfered" from one body to the other, as would actual computer data.
1. Erin wants to please Ben on his birthday, however she is currently on her period. Instead of sex, however, she decides to open a data transfer between her and Dan, so that Ben can watch until he is satisfied.

2. When Stuarts mother found large smears of warm brown shit all over his bedsheets, she realized that her son in fact was into data transfers, just as she and her husband had suspected.
by Chris, Brian, and Oscar May 31, 2006
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When the person receiving a call transfers the caller to another person without telling the that person anything about the caller or why they are calling. This is usually very frustrating to the caller as they have to introduce themselves and explain why the are calling again.
That company sucks - I had an problem with their product and when I called to get it resolved, I was blind transferred and had to explain the problem all over again.
by Halligan January 14, 2009
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A man begins to urinate in a given urinal. Than, he proceeds to transfer to the empty urinal to his left or right, mid-stream. One can continue to jump urinals as long as he has not reached the last urinal, or the urinal is occupied.
You should have seen Johnny at the bar last night, he got so wasted and completed a Urinal Transfer 6 urinals long... I was pretty impressed.
by Charley Mooshbag July 1, 2010
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A bag transfer is when one takes their drugs from one bag (weed, beans, blues, whatever it may be) and puts it into another bag for whatever reason.
I gave my bud bag to Tyler for him to bag transfer into a smaller bag due to me only having about 0.2 left.
by Brown Bear :) July 11, 2008
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The act of formally relinquishing cannabis from one party to another.
Man I can't believe I got fired on my day off! Transfer the cheech...niggaaaaaa!
by CoochieBoi69420 June 13, 2020
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The name given to a natural phenomena characterized by person seeming to experience an unending string of bad luck within a relative short period of time.

In layman's term, when a person just can't get a break.
Ex. 1: A person gets fired from their job, and upon arriving at their house they realized they locked themselves out. In an attempt to call a locksmith, said person realizes their phone isn't charged.

Ex.2: An ambitious single man has his date with a hottie postponed due to inclement weather; said bachelor decides to watch a DVD to pass time only to discover the disk is scratched. Single guy proceeds to pwn noobs in an online FPS then finds out internet service is down to the aforementioned inclement weather.

2 of many examples of Bullshit Transfer
by Smarter Child's Child December 19, 2009
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