A Mayo - Seizure occurs when someone consumes an unhealthy or large amount of mayonnaise, this has a high chance of causing a Mayo - Seizure.
Hey look Jenson, Bradley and Ashton are having Mayo - Seizures!
by Rogueybear January 6, 2021
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When a woman first gets oral and spazzes. Usually causes oozing from the vaginal area, cotton mouth, and severe body convulsions that may lead to uncontrollable bowel movments.
Holy shit last night Chelsea had an orgasmic seizure she queefed on my nose and shit on my face.
by Sebastian and Amanda May 11, 2006
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When one person has a seizure and starts a chain reaction. Suddenly, a whole bunch of people end up writhing on the floor together.
Person 1: Oh no! I'm having a seizure!
Person 2: Be carefull, you might start a seizure salad!
by Alexis and Brianna December 4, 2009
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1.) Something that people have very often.

2.) A type of heart attack usually cause from mental disease or extreme laughing.

3.) When you go nuts and almost suicide.

4.) Some people\'s hobbies. Like Leo\'s.
Jake says: Look that DUDE he\\\'s having a seizure.
John says: Don\\\'t worry, that dude\\\'s seizure is his laughing.
Jake says: But look he died.
John says: Oh well, it happens...
by Jake April 27, 2005
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Pants usually bought at the store Hot Topic that have bright and distracting patterns or colours on them. Since the pants are so distracting and colourful, they tend to give people seizures. Most pants are neon-coloured and/or will have suspenders. When wearing seizure pants, people WILL look at you.
I bought a pair of seizure pants at Hot Topic yesterday and they have this insane checkerboard pattern on them.
by shelbyrocksfunky January 24, 2009
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When someone starts having a seizure and u fuck em while they flop like a fish
Megan ended up having a seizure when she deepthroated, so i turned her around and Seizure fucked her while she foamed out both ends.
by UnRedonculous May 2, 2011
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When an individual types gibberish on the keyboard when in a random mood.
Girl: "Hey, what's up?"
Boy: "vifbikbviuabfvkhnsm bvhbvhbfvbf"
Girl: "WTF?"
Boy: "Sorry, just had a keyboard seizure"
by Roxy13grl January 3, 2011
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