A gender. ALL of them are scapegoated just because of the actions of a couple of their sex, by brain-dead, bigoted "feminists". I use quotation marks because these people are not real feminists. They are anti-menists. There is a difference. There are just as many women out there doing shitty things as there are men doing them. 99.99% of men are very nice, decent people, who respect women and love them for who they are, not just because they have a vagina. The tiny amount that don't are insignificant. Pls give us a break x
by A nice man October 24, 2017
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- The word "man" in Russian-English slang.
U mens))) plix help mi))) (when a russian begging for help)

The proper English way is: "Man, please help me!"
by Nayumi October 9, 2006
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A word used by non-english people on a game to reference an individual. Used in place of man, people, guy, etc.
Mens, why must we bun mens? Mens, GMs are teh itens mens itens plix?
by Darkain August 2, 2006
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comes from the word semen
men are icky
by Billiumlover69 June 14, 2021
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Some men came over to watch the football game.
by Kyro Shingami October 30, 2004
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