abbreviation for True Facts

used to show agreement or what you are saying is the truth
by one_fierce_bish March 12, 2008
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When something is so true, saying Facts nor Fax quite portrays its accuracy.
Richard: Bro I'm so sick of high school, I just want to graduate already.

Jason: Fax machine
by Alexander Spamilton January 2, 2019
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short for Fox facts; referring to items broadcast on Fox news
I try to consider all points of view, but generally don’t give much credence to the Fox-fax from the Ministry of Disinformation.
by ΔиłĦ☼иצ ߀₡ʞ March 24, 2013
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A person who faxes from one floor to another instead of getting up and running the information because they're too lazy to get out of their chair.
Dilbert, over in Engineering, is such a fax potato. He sent me 15 faxes this week. What, he can't leave his office to run me a READABLE spec sheet?
by Thor Rudebeck August 23, 2004
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A definite fact
That girl is hot” that’s a big fax
by Deathina_deathina March 5, 2018
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Attractive female. Stems from a commonly misheard lyric in AC/DC's song "You Shook Me All Night Long", which is "She was a fax machine". The actual lyric is "She was a fast machine".
Dude, did you see that fax machine back there?
by Jackle13 December 24, 2012
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When someone is spitting facts. Can only be used when someone is speaking the truth. If not, you’re a fake fax spitta 📠🗣💦
Someone: You’re spitting so many fax
You: ikr? I’m a real fax spitta
by It’s Chicken February 6, 2021
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