How to say "Cunt" without making it obvious..
I was going to ask my girlfriend if would be OK for me to spend an evening out on the town getting shitfaced with the lads, but the Common Universal Natural Tendency of a woman does not approve of a man enjoying himself without her being there..
by Drex Johnson September 30, 2014
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Used to describe men that act in ways similar to over emotional, unstable women. Examples include:

1. Keeping up drama in personal relationships
2. Becoming easily offended
3. Hyper-sensitivity to criticism
4. Excessive tears in otherwise normal situations
The more Kesha hung around this dude, the more she began to notice that he had some real bitch-like-tendencies (BLT's). He was more drama-filled than her regular chicken headed crew.
by Anonymuse April 7, 2008
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A way to describe a woman who has some of attributes associated with the dreaded c-word, but doesn't quite deserve the the C-bomb label just yet. Approximately a half step away from See you next Tuesday status.
That woman can be nice at times, but she sure has See You Next Tendencies, especially when she's had a couple to drink.
by B Richard J September 22, 2010
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Being a weird downbad nigga that'll do anything for pussy ie: lying your ass off by pretending to be someone you are not and being a rat
Normal nigga: why does he keep posting shit about jcr like he doesn't even go to school there he tryna fit in w them so hard

Normal nigga #2: Mo Malika tendencies
by sosadaddy January 14, 2023
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Testosterone Negative Tendencies 1. politically correct term for a man thought to be gay. 2. A man in touch with his feminine side. (positive compliment)
What a lovely outfit your husband picked out for you!" "John has such a wonderful sense of women fashion style for a welder,"T.N.T. acronym for Testosterone Negative Tendencies"

." commented Brenda, to John's wife, Paula
by Oxithemoron (the orginal) September 14, 2011
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A tendency to force assimilation regimes upon the masses with tactics such as violence, coercion and fellandering.
Wow that Aussie sure has been trying to colonise me all day, he really has a colonial tendency
by Ms.she. November 4, 2018
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When a guy exhibits nice qualities, but still retains bro-esque tendencies.
Alex is a nice guy, but he a bro ass tendency and I am fed up with his shit
by Froogly April 1, 2015
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