Simple, easy, automatic, demanding nothing.
A: "How do you get to the bus?"

B: "It's a snap -- just across the road."
by Ann Pearl Owen February 10, 2010
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A word that is used after a putdown/insult.
Dude 1:"Look at those giant boobs."
Dude 2:"They're not as big as yours, OH SNAP!"
by Steve December 12, 2004
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Adj. used to describe money or skills.
Yo you got some snaps for the movie?
Damn homey got all the snaps on the mic
by Justice October 16, 2002
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A sexual nap with no sleeping intended.
Honey, do you want to take a snap? No thank you dear, I'm not tired and I have a headache.
by E-bad May 27, 2010
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New Zealand slang for getting caught doing something illegal or something you shouldn’t be doing. Normally involving things such as graffiti or tagging, alcohol and drugs.
"Oh i got snapped smocking last night"
"Shame. I got snapped stealing alcohol"
"Yeah well i got snapped macking out with Elliots ex-girlfriend"
by crystalclear September 17, 2006
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Word used to tell someone you experienced the same thing or something very similar.
expression used instead of "SAME HERE!"

Also used in place of shit.
Example 1:
Person 1: i almost slipped on the wet floor over there.
person 2: SNAP! They should wipe it up.

Example 2:
Person 1: Yer i brought a ticket as soon as they opened the box office!!
Person 2: SNAP!

Example 3:
"OH SNAP! im late for work"
by aban311 August 29, 2008
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