Most commonly found in Ireland, but developing a popular growth amongst the U.K, the term places immediate reference to the dichotomy found in youth culture - between the shams and the moshers.

Whilst moshers listen to metal music and wear band shirts, keep to themselves and often have long hair, shams like hip hop and rap, wear white sports brand or designer clothes and like to cause trouble.

Shams believe they are adonises and carry themselves with an instantly recognisable gait, likened to that of a pidgeon, in which the shoulders move prominently with each step.

Shams (esp. in Galway and Cork) have a very strong and unique accent, and even a dialect.
Utilising words such as "mace" for "steal" and "beur" for girl they speak with a very nasal and somewhat whiny tone.

Many shams believe they are gangster and indeed some, albeit very few, are. Most try to pass it off in a haze of puffy coats, spoken threats and supposedly impressive references to "fiddy" who was "shat niine tyymz".

Shams take personal pride in being a sham, despite everyone else viewing them with contempt and disregard for their borish and antisocial behavior, and they flaunt their unfortunate vernacular and walk as one would an expensive watch.

They usually dont travel alone but move in groups of 2 or 3 or more, praying on people who are alone to antagonise and bully them. To teens without experience this can indeed be threatening and scary, but once past a certain age they realise what a load of shit shams really are, and once stood up to, the shams will back away.

Shams should be viewed with caution and never approached, but should not be feared.
Sham: ayyyy boss i saw you givin mee the aul queer eye. you wanna baytin?

Mosher: uh no.

Sham: aay you givin mee cheeek eyy? ill fuckin braayk yar faayce

Mosher: get the fuck away from me or ill fucking ram your pussy necklace down your throat

Sham: ooohh haard boy aaay??? ill get mee cuzzin on youu ya moshery scum
*leaves and doesnt return*
by Otto Wicks-Green April 1, 2007
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noun. a person that is ridiculously good at everything s/he tries, god-like badass, basically.

verb. the act of being divinely badass
n. ex: Whoa! He could be the next Shams

v. ex: Look at him Shams it up! what a badass.

badass God sexy abs 8 pack
by dudeimanonymous February 2, 2010
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a kid who really likes to have sex with teachers, especially if they are the head of the upper school.
That's gross, she's like 50 years older than you, you sick shams!!!
by shams September 24, 2006
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To rock hard
to party hard
(from a GREAT song by bens folds)
"let me tell yall what its like being male middle class and white its a bitch if u dont believe listen up to my new cd sham on"~rockin the suburbs
by austinluver March 31, 2005
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A good person that you've ever wanted. Sham is a person that always be there whenever you need someone to talk to. He is sweet and romantic but not boring. He is not handsome but pleasurable. He likes to joke but he knows when to be serious. He knows well how to treat a woman. However, He never gives up getting girl’s heart he is on. But be careful, he is full of secrets. He is intelligent enough to take you as a donkey. He is kind but don’t dare to hope that he will be honest to you. Sham is a reliable person but not trustable.
x: Can you trust him?
y: No, I cant
x: Why?
y: Because He is a Sham
by wishuwerenotanactor November 11, 2013
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Sham is generally used in Ireland, it is almost the Irish equivalent of the British Chav.

Sham's are rare bucks hey. Generally seen out at the disco steaming. They can be seen during the week diffing on the roads like the mad header shams that them thar bucks are.

The mating call of a sham is a sham-flick. A sham-flick is when you wave your hand around like a mad cunt while clicking your fingers. This is deemed to be more skillful to shams than any other art form.
Normal Person 1: Hey! Who's that person over there, diffing in a twin-cam, clicking his fingers in an absurd way, listening to Lil' Wayne, wearing a bright Nike shirt whilst looking like a complete knob.

Normal Person 2: Oh, that's a sham
by Concerned Local November 30, 2010
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