When a bunch of dudes go in a closed room and let out gas and anything they can to get high off of their fumes, itsnkind of like hot boxing with farts, in a small room, not a car.
Me and my friends went scrotuming this weekend
by Scrotum master 305 March 30, 2011
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Applying one's scrote sack to something or someone in an effort to taint or embarass it.
While on deployment my bed was scrotumized by way of bag drag.
by Djabooty January 30, 2010
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An obsenitive used by small kittens.
"Oh Scrotums!"
by Matt Fletcher November 27, 2003
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The people who don't approve your word for Urban Dictionary
"Why won't these scrotum suckers ever approve my word!"
by Lil’Fish March 10, 2015
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1.Anything that hits you in the face unexpectedly
2.Literally, a ball sack in your face (named for the great French writer, Honoré de Balzac)
1. Yes he loved slapstick, but this creampie was the full scrotum
2. If you are in Taintown, then you know what a full scrotum is
by manshark January 17, 2016
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The convenient elastic mesh pouch in the rear of a SUV which holds a gallon container of milk.
I used to worry about milk spilling in my car every time I went around a corner and the gallon of milk tipped over. Now I just place it into the milk scrotum and never have to worry because it holds it tight and close to the body of the car.
by Sidney's natural resources April 30, 2019
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When someone rubs their scrotum against a dock (mostly wooden ones), which boats tie up to. These are the most sick and twisted people you may ever come across. They will not stop scrotum docking! Not even if their scrotum looks like a sea urchin from having so many splinters in it!
( ex. 1 )

Cameron: ewww! look at that guy, why is he doing that to the dock?!

Jack: because he's a scrotum docker!

Cameron: if he gets a splinter there, wouldn't it hurt?

Jack: no, because his scrotum is very rough and tough skinned now from scrotum docking so much...

( ex. 2 )

Eddie: Is that a sea urchin connected to that guy?

Garrett: No, thats just a guy's scrotum after scrotum docking.
by bigc00n69 June 14, 2011
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