a term used to describe excessive masturbation, often times performed alone, late at night, in a dark corner of your living room or dog house. More often than not, the said locations will contain a computer, with one of your annoying friends interrupting you on whatever chat program you use.
pat: oh hey adam

adam: ........

pat: adam?


pat: oh, sorry :/
by heyoldzz August 25, 2008
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To get intoxicated from Robitussom, and become "Robotic"
That kid is so Robotic he just ate your fake flowers
by Mark "is god" October 13, 2004
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The future rulers of our planet and enslavers of all sentient life forms.
by Invasion!-At-the-disco July 31, 2008
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It was too late to call the bookstore, so I left a message on their robot to call me back.
by pentozali September 26, 2008
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When a guy is fingering two girls, eating a girl out and having sex at the same time.
Person 1: Yo did you hear Carlos did the robot with 4 girls last night.
Person 2: Of course you could hear those girls from a mile away.
by SexLvr111 December 10, 2013
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When you and a friend, family member, etc. are talking on the phone and you get too far from the base and it sounds like a robot
Keenan: "Hey man can you here me"

Austin: "Nah, you're roboting"

Keenan: "Oh. let me get closer to the phone base"
by Dirtbag69 December 20, 2009
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1. (In science fiction) An automaton or artificial lifeform (in modern cases, entirely machine-based), often intended to serve humans or other lifeforms, which may or may not possess artificial intelligence. May or may not end up taking over the world and destroying all the humans.
2. A machine which is capable of sometimes complex movement, which may be programmed by computer, operated by remote control or possesses some form of rudimentary AI, used to perform some useful function.
3. (In anime and related media) A large machine of usually humanoid appearance, often operated by a human pilot, usually capable of walking and possibly flying, usually used in combat. (also called mecha, giant robot).
Robby the Robot was almost like another member of the crew; though not human, he was essential to the maintenance of the starship's functions and could operate where no human crew member could.
The robots are going to rise up and destroy us all, I tell you!
The car assembly plant was fully automated, with most tasks being performed by robots.
Hikaru got into the cockpit of his giant robot, and prepared to engage the enemy.
by The Lyniezian June 12, 2015
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