Saying the name Mel with an Asian accent
Willson: Hi how are you Mer?
Mer: I'm fine thanks Willson
by Aidengig July 3, 2013
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a very hott girl (who acts ghetto) AND IS AN AMAZING RAPPER with lovely hair who is the bestest friend in the whole wide world...ohh yeah and MUST love hott sauce and put it on everything...she went over her txting bc of a friend...she pees while on the phone with courtney AND cracks her knuckles....MAKES THE BEST HOT CHOCOLATES...ohh and in marching band....a pleasure to be with in bed when she doesnt get on the floor at 2 in the morninng.LOVES GREASE...someone who dances in french class.
mer: im so stoked (ha your lingo)

mer: gahhh i need hot sauce

mer: me singing in french class...what an embarassment
by courtneyyyyyyyyyy December 9, 2005
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Painkillers, specifically opiate-narcotics. The most commonly abused MERS and the drugs most commonly classified as MERS include oxycontin, roxicets, percocet, vicodin, oxymorphone, or anything more powerful than a pussy codiene pill or good-for-nothing anti-inflammatory such as naproxen. " Baby food mers" include vicodin5mg, percocet 5mg, vicodin 7.5mg and codiene in general. The term was originated in rockland county, new york. Most MERS can be obtained by prescription whether it's a parents' or kids, or they can be purchased in New York City or shitty New Jersey.
Oxycontin,Roxicet, Vicodin, Percocet, Mer
by THEE FRANCHISE January 2, 2010
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(verb) used against something negative

Copy write by Meg Cee
I could of been on tv but my friend talked me out of it. Mer
by Meg Cee January 26, 2011
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1. The french word for ocean/sea.
2. A Nine Inch Nails song that kicks ass.
1. "(insert french words) mer (more french words)"
"Ze sea ees beeutifal at dis time ov night, oui?"

2. "What are you listening to?"
"nin - la mer"
by meowlet June 6, 2005
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Mer means to bang someone in turtle it also means "i love you"
i want to Mer you
by MarianneBB June 29, 2011
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Used as and expression of felling, or to replace other words, and things
'did you see what that n00b just did, god he's mer!'
instead of omg ' oh Mer?',
someone says something to you, pause for a few secs look at them say MER and act as if you don't care
by LaGe||| December 14, 2003
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