the internet. a computer generated fake reality where even faker people live the fakest lives. inhabitants rarely exercise and although are extroverts 'online' are usually antisocial and have few friends in the real world. they live in blogs instead of blocks, watch youtube instead of real television, have twitter followers instead of friends, hang out on facebook instead of sports bars, make phone calls with skype instead of vodafone and em, change how they look with photoshop instead of plastic surgery and steal music and movies instead of money...smh
that guy spent so much time in the matrix he started to poke people in real life to get their attention and even once tried to photoshop a zit before he went out.
by ed the Word September 14, 2009
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(in sci-fi & the hypothetical Kardashev scale science theory)...

A simulated dimension powered by advanced technology, such as a super-computer. (Also known as a 'metaverse').
e.g: 'Many alien god theorists say that the gods were physical humanoid extraterrestrials who were so technologically advanced that they scientifically created their own matrix and moved into it where they became conscious divine holograms, but most mortals confused their matrix as a magical realm, because they didn't understand how its state of being was scientifically possible.'

(Notes: A matrix could be inside a device / computer (ie. a contained matrix) or a merged dimension outside of one (ie. an uncontained matrix). An uncontained matrix would be powered by all the stars, through advanced technology.

Please read my definition of a merged dimension and research The Kardashev Scale Theory for more information).
by Diana_Lucius_De_Collis November 29, 2022
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When a guy/girl leans in to kiss the other person, but the other person swiftly moves their head away from the kisser ultimately avoiding the kiss.

One of the many methods of denying the 1st kiss on a date.
-Holy shit yo! that chick just MATRIXED you dawg!!


-Yo bih, if I go to kiss you, you betta not matrix me!!
by G0tch@! April 2, 2010
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A computer program that makes you believe that your in your own world, in reality the real world is controlled by AI Agents, and they use human beings as an energy source, because our bodies produce shitloads of energy
I take a shit on The Matrx
by ac February 14, 2004
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The Matrix, Reloaded, and Revolutions are fantastic movies, but not for everyone. If you hate them, then you don't understand them.
You idiot.
The Matrix is Real. If only you could see the code.
by SweetNeo85 March 11, 2004
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a movie about a nerdy guy who takes a shit load of acid. think about it, a black man he has never met gives him a pill (granted acid is given in tabs, but ladies and gentlemen, you must understand, the nerdy man took a ridiculous amount of acid, ergo the large pill) which he says will open his mind, then we see that subsequently to taking this pill, the aforementioned nerdy man gains powers such as flying and stopping bullets. oh, and also he doesn't know what year it is and is fighting robots. well isn't that just a dandy acid trip.
black dude: yo nigga take this pill and its gonna make ya wake up and see the truth, word
neo: ok (swallows pill)
neo: whoa man, im like tripping man
black dude: that will be 200 dollars.

(why does the example need to use the word the matrix)
by da booze man October 16, 2007
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