A small (but tight-knit) group of truly insane people at Stanford Dance Marathon. Apparently just being a dancer for 24 hours isn't quite enough, so they show up early, leave late, go insanely nuts the entire time, and make everyone else feel silly for even considering taking a break.
"My feet hurt. But if the maniac moralers can do 30 minutes of cartwheels... on stage... in ninja turtle costumes... to Lady Gaga's Pokerface... I guess I can keep going."
by Farm Life January 23, 2010
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A person from Detroit that likes the Pistons, on a forum called "Neoseeker", spreading the wonderous news of the Piston victory.

He is also very sexy and has a nice banner.
Pistons Maniac is a hunh. I think I love him.
by Piston Maniac September 12, 2004
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Evil laughter that comes up from the tant.
Terry: "MawHAHAHAH!"
Ben: "That's your one maniacal laugh for the day"
*Because you can only have one maniacal laugh a day*
by Chronos_wife October 28, 2013
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A person, generally female, who either enjoys castration or is just in general anti-penis.
Person 1: Dude did you hear about that new anti-rape condom that Alexa invented?
Person 2: Yeah man, i think its called the "Anti-Rape Guillotine."
Person 1: She's such a cockisidal maniac
Person 2: Tell me about it.
by StyeMunstie August 20, 2010
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Maniacs records is a project created by two friends named Kleo, and jayjay.
Maniacs records owns a album that’s dropping soon called “maniacs” or “life of a maniac”
The album is set to drop on 08/19/2023.
Maniacs records contains

(Kleo - owner, jay jay- owner, gaberieal - co-owner,
Alonso - co-owner, naeem - member,

Bariq - member, olawale - member, and

Ashton - member) but the group maniacs is only

( kleo, jayjay, naeem, alonso, and gaberieal.)
“maniacs records just signed naeem
by Jvxkboy March 24, 2023
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A hyperactive child. Usually a child hyped up on a movie, sugar, or exciting event that then rampages around leaving a trail of destruction.
Manager: Sorry about the mess Joe, we had a maniacal midget loose in the store.
Joe: How did he get footprints six feet up the wall?!
by Bookstore Slave January 11, 2013
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Someone, usually a male who masturbates obsessively every day for hours, for months and years on end.
Dion is a self proclaimed masturbating maniac.
by kam75xx May 20, 2023
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