He knows because he himself is magic
by Mysterious-Bob October 3, 2021
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Magic is a set of instructions telling energy on how it must behave and what it must do without violating the laws of the physical universe.
*I can't think of any example on how to use Magic in a sentence, I'm so sorry*
by Mijin_ang July 9, 2019
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to be incredibly awesome
I'm friggin magic.
Your so not magic.
by bob September 20, 2004
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Street term for fentanyl, an extremly dangerous sythetic opiod which is abused to get high. Perscription only lolipops which are actually more addictive than heroin. They sell from $20-$60 on US streets.
"You need some of that magic?"
by Shane Senick December 26, 2007
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A complex card game that is very expensive and has a vast and lonely following. Most players have less than perfect hygiene and a complete lack of social skills. The game consists of players pretending to be a wizard.
Wow, that guy plays Magic, he's a fucking loser!
Oh, he's a MAGIC nerd? Stay away!!!
The Filipino Mafia LOVE to play Magic.
Eww, he smells like a Magic player.
by Gravy Face June 3, 2005
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