General slang for cocaine. It's like the rich version of meth
Culo "I'm gonna get some Fancy if you wanna party hoe"
by ImyOuREmeMedAddY October 19, 2018
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A person/item/object that brings you joy. Something delightful. A term of endearment, usually for adorable/beautiful objects, but can be used as a substitute for all loved things, like your favourite human (fancy).
I love you, Fancy! (Referring to a spouse) /or/ Thank you! I just love my new fancy! (Referring to a new necklace) /or/ Fancy! Your Fancy Fancy is so fancy! Fancy! /or/ Awww, Fancy! You're so cute!
by Eloraborealis January 22, 2023
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something that is unnecessarily elaborate
Mmhmm, look at those fancies over there!
by Guelph LA Student January 25, 2011
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When one has sexual intercourse with a gentleman who has taken one on fancy dates, appears in fancy attire such as; bow ties and pastel colored clothing.
After our date last night at Ruths Chris, I got fancied hard by Carlton.
by Cabrisha March 20, 2011
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Guy 1: I'm feeling really Fancy today!

Guy 2: yeah,the way you act around guys,makes me think you feel Fancy everyday.....
by JDaKingman October 25, 2009
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That Samuel Jackson sure is a Fancy Mother Fu*ker
by somecallmecuba October 15, 2010
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