After getting sick then getting tested, then being found to be NOT infected with Ebola Virus.
Health care provider: "Congratulations! You're Ebola free."

Patient: "Yay! I'm Ebola free! Yay!"
by yes juanito yes November 13, 2014
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A Fucking nasty virus with no cure that liquifies your internal organs and makes blood come out of your: eyes, nose, ears, mouth, penis/vagina, anus.
That poor kid has ebola, I dont wanna be around when he dies it will be nasty.
by Kierz August 11, 2005
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When your voice is so raspy, it sounds as if you are dying.
Bro 1: "Hey... man. What's... up?"

Bro 2: "DAYUM BRO what's wrong with your voice?"

Bro 1: "Sorry man... I have an Ebola Voice."
by Libaax December 17, 2014
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the quarantined Dallas Texas ambulance parked at Texas Health Resources used to transport the first confirmed case of the boulevard is in the United States.
"Jimmy, did you hear about that guy the is the first confirmed case of Ebola in the United States? I took him to the hospital on walnut lane"

"yes Duane, everyone has heard of it. They took him from those apartments in the ebola rolla a few days ago"
by shoffnee October 7, 2014
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A person who fakes being sick to get out of work. Also, one who knows there is a large work project going on and decides to act sick to leave the burden with everyone else.
"We just got this huge contract, and Alan is out sick again being the Ebola Monkey.
by ElecDrummer November 5, 2006
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(n.): a disease effecting thousands of mathematicians everywhere.
" My Algebra teacher keeps giving us F(x) =x^2, I think he has Parab-Ebola!"
by Julia Nicholas October 5, 2014
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The act of dunking any cookie or donut in milk after digging in your ass, toenails, nose or any other funk producing part of the body.
BRO!! Did you just fucking Ebola dunk that cookie?!!? Go get me another glass of milk you nasty shit.
by ginkoba_knight January 9, 2015
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