The passing on of bad news while sharing a delicious treat, hoping the listener with not fully grasp the news. A gastronomic smokescreen.
The seventeen year old boy employed the proven technique of Chocolate Cake Diplomacy, and told his parents that he had knocked up the neighbor girl, while serving them slices of a delicious, three layer chocolate cake that was " this high!".
by ElCommissioner April 21, 2017
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the use of a vaccine by a nation to gain a diplomatic advantage
The United States is using vaccine diplomacy to appear stronger than other nations
by slweeb April 17, 2021
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To date, the only graduate school dedicated to international relations where the majority of students are not hyper-competitive, pretentious, or trust-fund babies. Students choose two concentrations (international security, human security, international development, international legal studies, etc.) and submit a thesis in their final semester. The Fletcher School is affiliated with Tufts University, but maintains autonomy in its course offerings, fundraising and programmatic events.
To further his career with the Bangladeshi Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ahmed decided to study environmental politics and conflict resolution at The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.
by Simona Halep August 22, 2022
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What da two shysters in da "Emperor's New Clothes" story had to dispense a lot of in order to alleviate observers' suspicion as to why there was no thread on the weaving-apparatus on their looms.
All of da observing folks in da famous "invisible clothing" tale were absurdly trusting and easily-fooled (well, all except da "innocent little boy", of course), so da two swindlers had a very easy time of succeeding with their "shuttle diplomacy", at least until the parade was underway (by which time they themselves had likely slipped away with their ill-gotten riches and had long-since disappeared). In real life, however, representatives of various countries, governments, and ethnic/religious groups often have a much harder time coaxing trust and cooperation from da leaders and officials of da various territories dat dey hafta visit and work in.
by QuacksO July 23, 2021
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