some one who acts like they have big brains when really they dont and know nothing about what they are saying.
bruh i cant stand cows, they smell bad and dont know anything
by gatfrat June 22, 2018
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A cow is an animal that produce milk, meat and eggs.
I do like cow's eggs.
A cow, it's milk, meat and eggs .
by XxcowexpertxX May 15, 2021
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Crippled Old Woman - mostly used in primary schools, and considered a big insult.
Did you hear? Chris is a right COW *giggles*
by xxMissiixx January 19, 2007
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Er... You cow?
by Pikace June 27, 2004
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an expression used to describe the anal qualities of another, usually in reference to something that may displease another
Dude, that is really cow!
Stop it, you're being cow.
by B man November 16, 2003
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1) A real fat person
2) Someone who eats too much
3) A dumber-than-a-rock farm animal
1) Sounds like this girl who stalked me
2) My ex gf
3) This, thing, i saw in a shiney book
by ca-ow August 12, 2003
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