when you need pleasure so any man or woman fingers themself with a pizza roll
yo honey i'm cheesing in the bathroom!
by drummer888 April 10, 2009
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after you eat a whole bag of 1.29 cheetos you got the thick layers of cheese on your fingers begin to wipe the cheese on some unsuspecting victims back.
that nigga was cheesing me after he ate all them cheetos yo.
by Chris Sellitto December 17, 2007
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Mason: So Joe....you wanna go cheese?

Joe: Hell yes I love cheesing! I wanna cheese until I poop myself!

Mason: Me too! I love to poop!

Joe: I'm gonna go cheese and then give your mom a stone cold stunner! 3:16!!!!!
by Joe Lattuca March 27, 2008
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The act of using cat urine to achieve a high. In the animated show South Park the students used cat urine sprayed in their face to get high.
Can I see Mr Kitty? I want to do some cheesing.
by TartanArmy March 27, 2008
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v 1. Acting very slow or careless for a certain period of time before a significant event 2. To put on a display to delay an important occasion 3. To dilly-dally; waste time 5. To act in an embarrassing manner due to racial or sexual tension.
Ex. Quit cheesing, we need to be there by 3:00!
Get this guy off me, he keeps cheesing out.
They cheesed out and left us right when the show started.
Don't start cheesing and be late for school.
I try not to cheese; I'm a fast-paced person.
Cheesing is not the thing to do before a deadline.
I don't mean to cheese, but you have a nice ass.
Don't try to cheese on me, I have a boyfriend.

by budinger November 5, 2007
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