Originally used in the 60s and on for being mildly stoned. It got added to using alcohol to describe mild inebreation that was not enough to qualify for getting ticketed for drinking. originally it just meant mild intoxication from smoked drugs including tobacco, ut hs since come to be used with drinks and one anti drinking commercial uses it now
wow got a nice buzz off that pipe" "That pot got me a little buzz" "Hey, let me have a toke off that joint to get a little buzz
by Urban Sage June 26, 2011
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Figurative meaning for "ecstatic" for when you shitpost on Twitter about being at a bar while underage and say you're "buzzed" but get called out for being a poser.
I'm so buzzed man. Gonna drink some weed.
by Tongalong June 11, 2017
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to be buzz on

to get buzz on

to get a buzz on
that guy over there is pretty buzz on he must have had a whole keg

we're gunna get buzz on at this party if there's alcohol

we're gunna get a buzz on at this party after finishing his keg
by god May 21, 2003
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After pulling a pod and you get a little dizzy or weak
I buzzed so hard yesterday

I’m buzzing right now
by king.savage.za September 22, 2022
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If you are vaping on a Suorin Drop with 50 nic, you will most likely experience a "buzz" or a high. Some people enjoy the high while others feel Lightheaded, Dizzy, and Nauseous. These symptoms are highly related to being DRUNK!
Example 1: "Omg dawgg I was hitting my Vape last night and I got a buzz."
Example 2: " Dude 78 nic gets me buzzed after the 3rd hit"
by lVapeDaily February 24, 2018
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Random: Hey who are you?

Coxy: Me? Oh Im Coxy

Random: Oh no way, I just felt a nice ass presence of BUZZ!!!

by ThatBuzzGuy February 18, 2022
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Creating garbage rap music, specifically that which insults strange objects.
Y’all suckers think I suck, while I’m buzzing it!
by Tastes_like_burnt_toast May 21, 2019
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